Saturday, December 15, 2012

Battle Ball v.84 Beta

This may look pretty much the same, but under the hood, It has been totally redesigned.
  • Lines of code -Removed in excess of 4000 lines of code.
  • Performance  - By removing this, testing shows that game fps has increased by almost double. Also, It has become more stable by doing this under-the-hood work.
  • Bugs -Removed tons of bugs, including random bullets from multiple boss turrets, health-bars not going away, Menu issues, Saving glitches, and much much more.
  • UI improvements - Instead of just saying locked on the levels that are locked, they specify what level you will need to be in order to play the level.
  • Notifications -tells you when you unlock a new level while you are playing.
With these grand improvements, I am excited to start work on levels 6-10. If anyone has any ideas that would improve Battle Ball or other games of mine, feel free to leave a comment here or at kongregate. My kongregate username is Tiuipuv.
