Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Space Conquest v.4

Cool Spooooky Update for Space Conquest rolling out our factory. Bug fixes and more features are stamped in with this one. Changes Include:

  • New Levels - 5 new levels (levels 6-10) including a new rebel tech facility. (Ooooo, Aaaaaahhh)
  • Energy recharge system - energy only recharges when you are not on the throttle.
  • Smart Drone Artwork - All smart drones have separate artwork, so they are easily distinguishable.
  • Smart Turret Artwork - All smart turrets have separate artwork, so they are easily distinguishable.
  • Achievements Notification - drop-down slider in the upper right hand corner that appears in level when any achievement is earned. It had the achievement logo, achievement number, and tier that was just earned.
  • About Button - added an about button in the settings menu, showing version information and credits.
  • **Logo - Themed for Halloween!
Bug Fixes:

  • fixed engine sounds playing after running out of fuel.
  • fixed rotations of drones on level 5.
  • fixed green planet start location on level 5.
  • fixed fire rate of drones on level 5.
  • fixed fire rate of turrets on level 1.
Minor Tweaks:
  • player ship - worse fire rate
  • player ship - slowed bullets
  • achievement rewards - decreased bullet speed reward worth
  • turrets - decreased level 1 turrets health
  • turrets - best fire rate for enemy turrets is now worse.
  • drones - changed simple flying enemy graphic
  • stations - decreased health station recharge time.
  • achievements - adjusted bullets dodged (lowered last, increased beginning)
  • achievements - adjusted bullet dodged in 1 level (increased all)
**Note: Halloween Logo also applies to sky drive.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sky Drive v1.21

A big update for Sky Drive today. This release includes, but is not limited to:
  • Loading Bar - implementation of a loading bar will occur with this update.
  • Preloader - added the Time Bending Games logo to the beginning of the game.
  • Drop Shadows - all of the art in the game (excluding menus) now have a neat drop shadow, giving the game a more 3d feel.
  • Full Platform hit detection support - the player can now hit the end of the platforms, making their vehicle not move forward.
  • Platforms - added 2 vertical platforms to make it more interesting.
  • Kongregate - more stats to check out.
  • Play Again Button - removed continue button and replaced with play again button.
  • Helicopter - blades spin around now, and shooting the helicopter gives you 1000 score + distance you were at when you shot it.
Bug Fixes:
  • Player 2 started out of level
  • Sloppy code - checking the same thing twice, lowering performance
  • Rewrote lots of code - increasing performance and making it easier to make future updates
  • fixed images - increased the quality of the images, removing 'floaty pixels', often associated with JPEG images.
  • fixed issue when pressing quit in the pause menu, then playing again.
  • fixed the possibility of getting stuck in a platform, because of the Full Platform hit detection support.
Nice little update for the game, improving overall gameplay. hoping to implement sounds soon, but that could be a while yet, as I have not located any sounds to use.

Please Comment with any Suggestions you have!!!



Space Conquest v.31

Fresh new update for Space Conquest rolling out the factory today. It is a big bug fix update, but also includes some neat little add ons. For this cool release:

Time Bending Games - added Logo with link to the main website on game start

  • Button Press Sound - when a button is pressed (duh)
  • Player Ship Firing Sound - occurs when shooting
  • Enemy Firing Sound - occurs when the enemy is shooting
  • Command Station Capture Sound - really helpful for determining when you have captured the planet
  • Player Ship Engines - makes a rumbling noise when traveling forward or backward
  • Pack Sound - occurs when you pick up a pack, same sound used in battle ball
Bug Fixes:

  • save/clear/load buttons, the popup message said undefined.
  • Health and energy packs would overfill the player ship.
  • fixed typo in a description - captured is now captured.
  • On level 2, the mini-map planet was in front of the mini-map player ship.
  • Unobtainium packs do not give double after claiming the pack worth doubler.
  • when loading an empty save slot, unobutainium was set to 0 instead of 10.
  • Achievement 11 description fix.
  • changed locations of turrets on asteroid on level 3.

The next release is a ways out, but it will have the next 5 levels (5-10) and other new features to keep the game interesting.

Please Comment with any suggestions you have!!!

