Sunday, December 8, 2013

Space Conquest v.5

Christmas is just around the corner! So, to add to the holiday cheer, Time Bending Games has finished the new and Awesome "Christmas Update"! This update includes, but is not limited to:
  • Upgrades - 13 times per upgrade you say? that was yesterdays news. make your ship better than all of those in the galaxy with 2 more of each upgrade. Dare you to max all 15 of each upgrade!
  • Levels - 10 levels you say? Also yesterdays news. Halloween Smalloween, just 10 levels. sheesh. now we have 15 levels, with new and unique setups.
  • Enemies - added 2 new enemies: Dart Turrets and Matter Turrets! The dart turrets do not aim, they just fire in 1 direction. in combination with regular turrets, these can be quite difficult. The matter turrets shoot giant bullets, and even lead you! The first few Matter Turrets may not be too accurate, but they will become more difficult on levels to come.
  • Bullets - created Matter Turret specific bullets.
  • Logo - Logo Themed for Christmas!
Bug Fixes:
  • Tutorial - made pressing p in the required tutorial stage pause and unpause correctly.
  • Fixed location of turrets on the lower planet on level 5.
  • Fixed location of turrets on the upper planet on level 9.
  • Changed the title font in the Level Select Menu to 22 pt.
  • Changed the description font in the Level Select Menu to 18 pt.
You may be wonder about Battle Ball. Right now, we are currently completely dedicated to Space Conquest, so it is at a standstill. Don't fret, I haven't completely given up on it, focus is just diverted to this. Until next time,

Please comment with any Suggestions you have!!!



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Space Conquest v.41

Another version! This update has a few nice improvements. Changes include, but are not limited to:
  • Achievements System - revised the achievement point system, removing a major bug with the old system.
  • Future Support - added possibility for turrets and drones to have bullet knock-back, as well as the option for the turrets to lead the Playership.
  • Time Challenges - levels 3 and 8 are now time challenges. This means that you have only a few minutes to complete the level. if time runs out, you fail the level. There is one text, that shows you your time left, and one below it to notify you when time is low.
  • Level Select - to show time challenges, the color of levels 3, 8, 13, and 18 have been changed to teal.
  • Achievement 11 - the time challenge achievement was moved to levels 1, 6, 11, and 16, with times adjusted accordingly.
  • **Removed Halloween Theme
And some minor tweaks:
  • drone health on levels 8 and 9 is increased 1 hp.
  • swapped levels 7 and 8, with adjustments to difficulty.
  • renamed Asteriod Belt to Asteroid Action.
  • renamed Dwarf Planets to Dwarf Dilemma.
  • font in the level select menu was reduced to 20 pt font.
**NOTE: Halloween theme remove also applies to sky drive.
Battle Ball v .9 is still in the works, but still a ways away. Until next time,

Please Comment with any Suggestions you have!!!



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Space Conquest v.4

Cool Spooooky Update for Space Conquest rolling out our factory. Bug fixes and more features are stamped in with this one. Changes Include:

  • New Levels - 5 new levels (levels 6-10) including a new rebel tech facility. (Ooooo, Aaaaaahhh)
  • Energy recharge system - energy only recharges when you are not on the throttle.
  • Smart Drone Artwork - All smart drones have separate artwork, so they are easily distinguishable.
  • Smart Turret Artwork - All smart turrets have separate artwork, so they are easily distinguishable.
  • Achievements Notification - drop-down slider in the upper right hand corner that appears in level when any achievement is earned. It had the achievement logo, achievement number, and tier that was just earned.
  • About Button - added an about button in the settings menu, showing version information and credits.
  • **Logo - Themed for Halloween!
Bug Fixes:

  • fixed engine sounds playing after running out of fuel.
  • fixed rotations of drones on level 5.
  • fixed green planet start location on level 5.
  • fixed fire rate of drones on level 5.
  • fixed fire rate of turrets on level 1.
Minor Tweaks:
  • player ship - worse fire rate
  • player ship - slowed bullets
  • achievement rewards - decreased bullet speed reward worth
  • turrets - decreased level 1 turrets health
  • turrets - best fire rate for enemy turrets is now worse.
  • drones - changed simple flying enemy graphic
  • stations - decreased health station recharge time.
  • achievements - adjusted bullets dodged (lowered last, increased beginning)
  • achievements - adjusted bullet dodged in 1 level (increased all)
**Note: Halloween Logo also applies to sky drive.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sky Drive v1.21

A big update for Sky Drive today. This release includes, but is not limited to:
  • Loading Bar - implementation of a loading bar will occur with this update.
  • Preloader - added the Time Bending Games logo to the beginning of the game.
  • Drop Shadows - all of the art in the game (excluding menus) now have a neat drop shadow, giving the game a more 3d feel.
  • Full Platform hit detection support - the player can now hit the end of the platforms, making their vehicle not move forward.
  • Platforms - added 2 vertical platforms to make it more interesting.
  • Kongregate - more stats to check out.
  • Play Again Button - removed continue button and replaced with play again button.
  • Helicopter - blades spin around now, and shooting the helicopter gives you 1000 score + distance you were at when you shot it.
Bug Fixes:
  • Player 2 started out of level
  • Sloppy code - checking the same thing twice, lowering performance
  • Rewrote lots of code - increasing performance and making it easier to make future updates
  • fixed images - increased the quality of the images, removing 'floaty pixels', often associated with JPEG images.
  • fixed issue when pressing quit in the pause menu, then playing again.
  • fixed the possibility of getting stuck in a platform, because of the Full Platform hit detection support.
Nice little update for the game, improving overall gameplay. hoping to implement sounds soon, but that could be a while yet, as I have not located any sounds to use.

Please Comment with any Suggestions you have!!!



Space Conquest v.31

Fresh new update for Space Conquest rolling out the factory today. It is a big bug fix update, but also includes some neat little add ons. For this cool release:

Time Bending Games - added Logo with link to the main website on game start

  • Button Press Sound - when a button is pressed (duh)
  • Player Ship Firing Sound - occurs when shooting
  • Enemy Firing Sound - occurs when the enemy is shooting
  • Command Station Capture Sound - really helpful for determining when you have captured the planet
  • Player Ship Engines - makes a rumbling noise when traveling forward or backward
  • Pack Sound - occurs when you pick up a pack, same sound used in battle ball
Bug Fixes:

  • save/clear/load buttons, the popup message said undefined.
  • Health and energy packs would overfill the player ship.
  • fixed typo in a description - captured is now captured.
  • On level 2, the mini-map planet was in front of the mini-map player ship.
  • Unobtainium packs do not give double after claiming the pack worth doubler.
  • when loading an empty save slot, unobutainium was set to 0 instead of 10.
  • Achievement 11 description fix.
  • changed locations of turrets on asteroid on level 3.

The next release is a ways out, but it will have the next 5 levels (5-10) and other new features to keep the game interesting.

Please Comment with any suggestions you have!!!



Sunday, September 29, 2013

Space Conquest v.3

It has been a long time since the last update for Space Conquest. 1 year and 8 months, to be exact. This is the first official release on its track towards version 1.0, where it will be released to kongregate.

Release notes for v.3:

  • Levels - 5 levels in this update, level 1 being a tutorial.
  • Save Load Menu - Has 10 save slots to chose from.
  • Stats Menu - Includes a horde of 20 different stats, from accuracy to ship rotations.
  • Achievements Menu - 20 different kinds of achievements, each with 4 tiers. earning tiers gives you achievement points. earning tier 1 gives 1 point, tier 2 gives 2 points, tier 3 gives 3 points, and tier 4 gives 4 points. this makes every achievement series worth 10 points when completed. you can claim specials when you reach a certain number of acheivement points. This includes command center capture speed, and pickup worth.
  • Level Select Menu - hexagonal level select that looks awesome. as stated above, only levels 1 - 5 work. Select the level to see a discription, then press play to... play the level!
  • Upgrade Menu - includes upgrades for hull strength, energy tanks, repair bots, solar panels, damage, and reload speed. each of these can be upgraded 13 times.
  • Settings Menu - Includes Quality Changer, and a Sound On/Off. the sound On/Off doesnt currently work, as there are no implemented sounds in the game.
  • Level Summary Menu - Summary after the completion or failure of a level, which contains a handful more level specific stats.
  • Gameplay - changed the way to win, there is now a command station on each capturable planet. There are also some refill stations on some of the planets, giving the player vital energy and health. These can only be used when the planet is captured.
With this update, I am planning on adding a preloader as well, hopefully there will be no bugs with the loading process. In the next update, I am planning on releasing sounds and achievement notifications. This may be released with bug fixes in v .31, or later in versions .4 and above.

As always, 

Please Comment with any suggestions you have!!!



Friday, September 13, 2013

Loading Bars and Progress Update

Im currently implementing a loading bar into into Battle Ball:

Space Conquest and Sky Drive will be soon to follow, although I don't know if it will be easy to implement over at Kongregate. This will eliminate the white screen where you wait for the game to load and replace it  with a nice progress bar. The loading screens will most likely be updated separately from the game itself. Planning on putting up the Battle Ball loading bar tonight.

On another note, here is a taste on some of the progress I have made since the last updates:
  • Space Conquest is almost ready to be released as beta .3, just a few levels and some optimizations left to go. It will also need a loading bar for .3 release.
  • Sky Drive v 1.21 is almost ready to be released also, just a few more features to be implemented, Including a loading bar.
  • Battle Ball is currently being altogether reconstructed because of issues with my old developing technique. Unfortunately, this will set back the release of .9 a long ways, so end of the summer release is not going to make it. It will take a while to fix all of the problems caused by switching to a newer system, but when it is fixed, development speed should be considerably faster.
As always, please comment with any and all suggestions you have! It would be greatly appreciated.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sky Drive v1.20

Another update for Sky Drive. Since my summer has officially started, I will be more active in updating my games. After this update, unless there are some great ideas presented to me or bugs that need to be fixed, I will be starting up on Battle Ball again. This update includes:
  • Animations - new animations for every powerup, except for the speed powerup, as it affects everyone.
  • x2, x3, and x4 powerup's duration are increased from 4 seconds to 7 seconds
  • invincibility powerup is increased from 4 seconds to 7 seconds
  • firerate powerup duration is decreased from a glitch of 40 seconds down to 27 seconds.
  • toggle switch - made all of the player animations toggleable (on or off) from the main menu.
I may fix a few bugs on this, but hopefully, like I said earlier, Battle ball should be in the works. I am hoping to get Battle Ball v.9 out by the end of the summer. We can hope at least. Until next time, and remember, as always,

Please comment with any suggestions you have!!!



Monday, June 10, 2013

Sky Drive v 1.18

This is a minor update in appearance, but underneath, the game was totally rebuilt. This will bring major performance improvements, but with that, there are lots of bugs to be found and fixed. If you find any bugs, don't hesitate to leave a comment here or over at my kongregate account. Improvements in this release include, but are not limited to:
  • Day and Night Cycle - Day and Night time periods are doubled, leaving it to be about 28 seconds of morining, day, evening, and night.
  • Changed cloud texture - cloud texture was reported as looking too real (cool, i made a good graphic), so to match the rest of the game, the texture was toned down a notch.
  • Powerups - made all of the powerups more visible/brighter and made the speed powerup available for more than just one player.
  • Pause Menu - added a quit button in the pause menu, which will take you back to the main menu
  • UI improvements - changed 'Day / Night' toggle to 'Always Day'. This is to clear confusion over what it does. Also, you can now continue on another run by pressing enter or clicking continue.
  • Moons - added moons that float by during the night, with 14 different moons ranging from full moon to new moon.
  • Platforms - platforms should no longer overlap
  • Finish Screen - players can now continue on another run by pressing enter or clicking continue. Additionally, the platforms slow over time after the run is finished.
 I plan that my next release will include powerup indicators or something of that flavor. After that, I may release a version with sounds, teams, and any other ideas that are given to me.

Please comment with any suggestions you may have!



Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sky Drive v 1.17

This is a relatively major update to Sky Drive's Background and Art. Also, I forgot to mention the release of Sky Drive v 1.16 that was for Kongregate only. That update was to support Kongregate's built in High Scores system. This release contains a new Day / Night Cycle System that has 4 different times in the day.
They are:
       Morning (12 Seconds)
       Daytime (14 Seconds)
       Evening  (12 Seconds)
       Night     (14 Seconds)

I also improved other graphics, such as the clouds and the background.

On another note, I have made some more progress on Battle Ball, Unfortunately, Levels 6-10 is a lot harder to make than I imagined. I have fixed a list of about 30 different bugs though, so there is still hope.



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Battle Ball v.85 Beta

Long time Since my Last release, but for good reasons. I have been working on levels 6-10, but as I was, I found so many problems with the current released version that I put together this version. Changes:

  • Save/Load - fixed major bug where when the Boss Levels Button in the Level Select Menu was pressed, It cleared all of the save data and caused very weird bugs when loading.
  • Spawning - Made all of the enemies spawn from a floating background object. This object will most likely be the 15th boss, so when you kill the 15th boss, enemies will no longer spawn. Woo, A finish!
  • Graphics - Changed the Battle Ball Turret to blue, along with the Bullets. This was because the levels 6-10 enemies will be green, so I did not want too much confusion.
  • Animations - made a death animation for the ball (really cool), and an animation for the turret being spawn from the background object.
  • Sounds - added Button Press, Ball Shot, Enemy Shot, Ball Death, Boss Death, Menu Ambient Sound, Boss Music, Ball Reload, Pick up sound, Level Sound. All Sounds Courtesy of More sounds coming soon.
  • Options - added 2 settings: Mute and Background objects. NOTE: to change the settings, click where it says on or off, backspace it all, and type in on or off. Comment if you have any trouble doing so.
  • Balancing - Upgrade cost now goes up a lot slower, and maxes at a cost of 4 instead of 5.
If you find a bug, have a suggestion, or even just want to say hi, feel free to leave a comment. Go Battle Ball!!

