Monday, May 25, 2015

Battle Ball v.9 Beta

Firstly I would like to say..... BATTLE BAAAALLLLLLL!!!!! Just, WOOOO!!! Anyway, this is another one of those spooky updates pumping out the Time Bending Games factory. This is the biggest update Battle Ball has ever had since initial release. The entire game has been rewritten at its core, so that caused the most delay. So here are the notes:
  • New Enemies are green!
  • Added bosses 5-10 - Hexagonal boss, with awesome intro animation, sliding out turret holders, and one kick butt center turret. Warning: Boss 10 is really difficult, as he seems to be mysteriously juiced up with a nice xp generator!
  • Added levels 6-10 - Some of the spikes have ends. These levels are all green enemies, with some awesome tri-shot tank enemies and stationary shooters!
  • Added cheats
  • Added Achievement Notification
  • Added Confirm Button for Saving, Loading, and Clearing Data
  • Added level kill quota - 50 kills on a level will fill the quota, turning the level button gold, and gives the player a skill point.
  • Added covers for spike intersections
  • Added xp Generator for killing boss 10
  • Added version number to lower right corner in pause menu
  • Changed spawn system (not visible)
  • Changed menu system (not visible)
  • Changed level system (not visible)
  • Decreased Reward for Distance Traveled achievement
  • Decreased Requirements for Distance Traveled achievement (from 1,000,000 to 200,000)
  • Increases Difficulty faster in levels 1-5
  • Increases xp earned from kills in levels 1-5
  • Moved the fps indicator towards HUD and behind menus
  • Added logo - themed for Halloween!
Bugs that be squashed:
  • Fixed HUD not showing totals.
  • Fixed side enemies rotating while timeslowing during respawn animation.
  • Fixed sounds not working because of the loading bar.
  • Fixed Health Generator not being right on the ball (delayed).
  • Fixed Boss 4 and 5 side turret bullets showing even when not fired.
  • Fixed The distance traveled achievement to take the right amount of distance.
  • Fixed Health Generator staying on screen after ball is killed.
  • Fixed boss 5 not appearing after being killed once.
  • Fixed Bullets staying on screen after ball is killed.
  • Fixed Slow time not affecting Health Generator.
  • Fixed Slow time not affecting the background enemy spawner.
  • Fixed Achieve All achievement still being locked, and reward not giving anything.
  • Fixed Slow time not affecting respawn animations.
  • Fixed enemy spawn jumping.
  • Fixed the infinite growth and failure to spawn some enemies would encounter.
  • Fixed boss music loop after the intro it would skip on slow computers.
  • Fixed the boost achievements not saving how many boost packs were collected.

Not that much info right? Sure. Not all changes are listed, mostly because the list was created more recent than the changes, so for those not listed, I'm sorry for not putting them here (not really). Accompanying this update (or more like battle ball v.87 ish) is being tested in a select group of mobile phones, with sweeto-neeto-kinda-nifty tilty functionality. The mobile may be released to the google play store at version 1.0 (can't imagine how much longer it will be till then, if history is any indicator, 2 and a halfish years :P ). Curious about Space Conquest, or Sky Drive? Cool. As for Space Conquest, we have just level 20 to design and implement, and pwoosh, factory starts pumping out a new update (for the very, very small fee of free). Sky Drive is still in the idea gathering phase, as well as the data collection phase for those who play on kongregate, so no update is in the works yet. Anywho,

Happy Halloween! and ...

Please comment with any suggestions you have!!!

(ah the traditions that don't matter) Cheers,

Jordan Jensen

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